Monday, February 23, 2015

Anonymoose Saga, Why Aren't You Reading It Right Now?

The other day I found something awesome I want to share with you. Lately I've been enjoying the whole monster girl culture, reading through the Monster Girls Encyclopedia and playing Monster Girl Quest. It's not just about the fapping, even though there is quite a bit of that involved. The story and setting is actually interesting. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the focus on violence you see in rpg fantasy settings. For some bizarre reason I've always thought that sex was less jarring than violence. Go figure.

But there is a problem with creating stories in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia setting.... It is too easy to get to the climax, literally and figuratively. It's an erotic utopia. Monster girls are dead gorgeous, horny as hell, completely uninhibited by nature and sex with them under the influence of demonic energy is an order of magnitude better than normal sex.. And they're stronger than men... So, if you aren't seduced by a monster, you're going to get raped so good that you'll that later on be asking for seconds... And thirds... And fourths...

That doesn't really make a story. Writers use all sorts of crazy tricks to draw out these resolutions, because that tension is what makes things good...It's hard to justify tension in a utopia situation like that. There is a resolution which makes everybody happy, and it's easy to come by. Resolutions might be filling but they aren't interesting; the meal is over and it's time to go clean up the dishes. Unresolved problems and the struggle to solve them are interesting; they leave you salivating for the next part.

So, I haven't seen much good Monster Girl Encyclopedia fiction. Most of it revolves around a short sexual fantasy where the main character is overpowered from the start... Or the main character is just overpowered from the start, if you catch my drift. Don't get me wrong; I'm not one of those guys that says powerful main characters are inherently bad. It's just if you make your character too strong from the beginning then there isn't any room for growth. An overly powerful main character solves the problems through strength rather than through actual development in the story, and there are tons of cliches that revolve around this which are inherently boring after you've seen them once.

But, I found a friggin gold mine. A Monster Girl Encyclopedia story that satisfies not only your libido, but your heart as well! The name of the story is Anonymoose's Monster Girl Saga and it's really good. It manages to balance the eroticism of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe with a number of conflicts and keep the ball rolling. It's well written. I don't want to say too much, because I don't want to spoil it. Just go read it. It's one of those stories that gets even better as it goes on. 

Begin your journey into a wonderful world of Fapping Adventure here!